At the Environment Center, we learnt about organic stuff and how their office was made out of scrap materials! Like the walls were made with hay and straws. It was kinda like a straw house. The most shocking part was that their toilets, didn't have a flush! They said it was called saving water... =.=" Anyway, we saw different types of small animals there like something like a goana, lizards, turtle and some monarch butterflies. They had a coop of chickens which produced the eggs. They even had a worm farm! In the worm farm, we learnt about what the worms fed on which was compost. Compost is just like apple cores and banana peels. I learnt that worms are actually quite useful. Once they eat the compost, the compost will turn into fertilizer! Isn't that just amazing? I even got to hold one. It kept wriggling and wiggling. The worm was also very slimy.
Then it was time for us to go. Lunch! Lunch was seafood pizza. The restaurant was called Bambinos Family Restaurant. The pizza was delicious!
After lunch, it was time to say our goodbyes to Perth as we were going back to Singapore. The coach drove us to the Perth International Airport and we went through the immigrations, with the checking-in of bags and boarding the plane.
When we boarded the plane, it was roughly around 3:15 in the afternoon. For this flight, I didn't sleep, I just rested. At around 6 pm, everyone just started playing a game called Scramble dash. It was super fun playing with friends. Almost half of the whole group was playing Scramble dash. We just played for like 2 hours and we arrived in Singapore. I enjoyed playing the game, it was really cool.
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